Vigil for the Unhoused, Saturday, 2/27/21, 5 pm. 504 West Broad St.

From Rhonda of Blessings Warriors:

 “We checked on “RED” everyday, we always carried extra blankets because in the rain, cold, or sleet we would find him laying on the ground watching over someone near him. He would have put all his blankets on them to make sure they stayed warm, saying “Awww Miss Rhonda, I’ll be ok. It’s my job to make sure everyone else is fine. It’s what I do.” We’d fuss with him as we would wrap him up every night after making sure HE had food. Night after night we’d beg him please go into the hotel, you’ll be warm, until finally he agreed. Now..... now another one of “OUR” guys has passed. There’s a common denominator here. Red, you always called us your angel but it was you who spread the love everyday to all those who passed your way. This picture isn’t what you may think it is... RED asked could he pray for me...yes..he was praying for me and this was one time of many. Please keep those close to Red in your prayers as we are all struggling right now. RIP Red, we love you!!!”
