Helping Monumental Memorials

 FIRST - help our protestors - always. Bring snacks, water, meals.  Many people do. Warm blankets, dry socks. Comfort items. Cash.  I'll post more soon.....

After that....



1. Snap photos and share them on social media. Link to our website.

2. Tag us in your photos:




3. Sign THIS PETITIONPetition · Stop Taxpayer Funding of Racism! ·


1. Whenever you are here, feel free to straighten memorials, push them back into the ground, tidy them, remove things that are obviously trash.  That is how I became involved, and once I started, I could not stop.

2a. Never hesitate to add a bow, if you feel so moved.

If you want to do more… Keep reading:


Begin thinking about whether or not you would like to see the space become a permanent fixture in Richmond. We will need your support if that becomes a possibility.


ADOPT A MEMORIAL - If you come by The Circle about once a week,  and you want to help with actual maintenance, you can adopt a memorial. Choose a memorial that speaks to you. Check on it about once a week. Make sure it’s still there, straighten it out; if there has been a heavy rain, drive it back into the dirt. Tidy it up, throw away trash (use gloves of course), straighten out the bows.

I’ll post a sign up sheet to adopt a memorial soon.


You may have noticed poems and other educational materials left in the space.  If you want to be responsible for maintaining one of these projects, let me know!

...You are busy, perhaps overwhelmed (aren't we all - what a year!!), and can't come to the space that often, or you live out of town, but you still want to contribute:


This laminator is on its last leg - A.S., a beloved community member donated the use of it, not the destruction of it, LOL

[Amazon links will be provided soon]

Think about which of these things you would like to contribute, and I will touch base with you about where to drop them off or how to get them in my hands.

Note: Monumental Memorials is a grassroots effort by a diverse group of community members, some of whom have never met.    

We are not a nonprofit. 

I am of the author of this blog and website, and as such, I personally only feel comfortable taking “in-kind”* donations, not money. (I can’t speak for other community members).

