The Movement (helping the protestors)

When the protests kicked off last May in Richmond, I was immediately struck by how many different groups of activists were organizing and participating in protests.

There is no one “protest,“ no one “group,” but here are a few ways to support the few remaining activists on the ground at MDP Circle:

~ Call/email your City Council member and ask for Autumn’s immediate release.

~ Call/email your City Council member and express your support for the work the “occupiers” are doing to protect the memorials from vandals.

~ Call/email your City Council member to demand that the harassment, verbal abuse, property destruction, and frivolous arrests stop. The police have called the space keepers - Black and White - such terms as “retarded” and other slurs. They call protesters out by name, and try to intimidate them by yelling out their mother’s names and saying things like, “We know where your mother lives.” 

~ Follow BLM RVA on Instagram:

~ When you visit, feel free to put cash in their jar. Swing by the grocery store and bring them snacks and food. Bring warm blankets and comfort items. Buy them a pizza.

~ Talk to them. They have seen so much and have so much to share. They are working so hard to make this a more just, equitable world, to drag this country out of a 400 year long nightmare and force it to be the best version of itself.

When we reach that distant shore, we can thank them.
