Unhoused citizens sleeping outside during a blizzard...Reimagine public safety – reimagine how we care for the most vulnerable

 Instead of “Reimagining Monument Avenue”* - i.e. using $11 million to create an open air museum of internationally recognized art, adding value to the already luxurious real estate owned by Monument Avenue residents [when you say this out loud, it sounds preposterous], let’s reimagine how we care for the most vulnerable in the state of Virginia.

Let’s reimagine Mosby Court - to paraphrase my friend T - let’s take that money and beautify public housing projects in this city - playgrounds, gardens, plantings, drywall, central air, gazebos, and, yes, public art.

Let’s re-imagine how we treat protesters, and take a couple hundred grand and donate it to bail funds and towards the legal defense fund for the people who made MDP Circle into an internationally recognized work of protest art.

Let’s build beautiful public housing in the 2nd district.

Let’s build beautiful shelters for the unhoused on the median strips of Monument Avenue. That would be actually beautiful and not performative. 

We need to develop a common vocabulary of what constitutes beauty.

VIDEO of Blessings Warriors finding a citizen sleeping under the snow: https://www.facebook.com/100004650702695/videos/1777693019062371/

