Four [edit: five] Racial Justice Petitions You Need to Sign

2. No Room For Hate in the RPD: Demand that Richmond City Council open an investigation into whether or not any employees of RPD are affiliated with white supremacist, alt-right, or other domestic terror groups.

3. Renew Jason Kamras' Contract for 4 More Years.

Jason Kamras is one of the few superintendents to make the ethically correct decision to protect BIPOC lives by going 100 percent virtual for the entire school year; he is an anti-racist superintendent; he has made RPS a safe place to implement anti-racist policy, curriculum, procedures, and practices; he has issued statements making it clear that the Black Lives Matter movement is endorsed, supported, and celebrated by Richmond Public Schools - this is NOT the case everywhere, even in our neighboring districts. He has allowed student voice to be heard in a way I have never before encountered in all of my career.

No superintendent is perfect. We need to stop the churn and ask our School Board members to vote for stability in this unprecedented time of crisis.

We believe that a majority of Richmond citizens would like Kamras to remain for four more years, but their voices are not being amplified.


4. The Daughters of the Confederacy has no place in a 21st century progressive society. Ideally, we would want this organization to close up shop, liquidate their assets, and donate those assets to charitable organizations that work to correct the fallout from 400 years of systemic racism.

In the meantime, demand that not one more penny of your tax dollars goes to this organization.


5. The Reimagining Monument Avenue Initiative must include the voices of those who transformed this space in the 2020 uprising against extrajudicial, pre-trial executions of US residents.

Coming by the end of this week (January 29, 2021).
